2017 Summer Bucket List, Family Activities, Party

Dreaming of Summer- The Beginning of a Bucket List

As I write this, there is wet heavy snow falling outside my window. Thankfully I’m cozy and warm, but I’ve been dreaming of sun-shiny days lately. Where we live, we have four full seasons, although some have argued we have two- Winter and Construction. Warmer weather is so fleeting here, so there is an urgency to make every moment count when the days get longer and the temps start to rise.


I must preface this Summer Bucket List with a small caveat: I dream big. Very big. So big in fact, that I once sailed around the world on a ship (remind me to tell you about that sometime.) However, in this stage of life with two small kids, my dreams don’t always make their way to fruition. (If we are all happy and fed, I consider that a win.) BUT, I have made the decision not to let the mundane of the everyday hinder my dreams. I want to dream bigger, to lean in, to make the most of this beautiful life with my sweet little family.


So without further ado, I give you the start of my 2017 Summer Bucket List:

1. A Friendship Garden

I am dreaming of spending our summer play dates sipping ice cold lemonade while the kids play in the sandbox and the moms gather fresh veggies from the garden we tend together.


See that little patio? I call that the, “Mom Lounge.” My goal is to add some nice comfy furniture. We can sit and nurse the babies and watch the kids play in the sandbox and jump on the trampoline.

Just to the left of the Mom Lounge is where I’d like to put 6 raised garden beds, inside a little fence. So far we’ve decided we’d like to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, sugar snap peas, green beans, carrots, zucchini and spaghetti squash. We’d also like to have an herb garden, a flower garden and a separate pumpkin patch.

(Lots more on this little adventure to come.)

2. An Outdoor Summer Dining Experience

This has been a long time dream of mine, and this is the summer it’s going to happen.

I’m picturing a long table filled with people I love, lots of candles, twinkling lights in the trees above, perhaps some live music and a delicious meal on a warm summer night.

Perhaps, we’re eating our own home cooked pizza at this event…

3. A Wood Fired Pizza Oven

Some of my favorite things are shared dining experiences. We absolutely love to go to a local pizza farm, where they grow all of their own ingredients and crank out the most amazing pizzas all summer long.


I would love to have our own pizza oven and make some of our own ingredients, like goat cheese, fresh tomatoes and tomato sauce, basil (pesto), peppers, etc.

This year we’re growing our own wheat in the fields, so we may even be able to grind it and make the dough. (Dream big, remember?)

I am dreaming of spreading out picnic blankets on our lawn and enjoying piping hot pizza as the sun goes down.

4. Flying Airplanes

Flying remote control airplanes has been a family tradition for 25 years. My husband started flying when he was just a little boy. When the wind dies down, we walk to the end of the driveway and spend the evening flying planes into the sunset.


Of course, he also flies drones now, but there is something different about flying actual remote control planes. It takes skill and precision and they are beautiful to watch, and nearly silent. I want to make this more of a priority this summer. We all enjoy it and it’s simple and free. Done and done!


5. Spontaneous Parties with Friends

I want to have everything on hand to host a great summer gathering at the drop of a hat. When the weather is just right and the mood strikes, I want to be able to send out a group text and have everything ready to greet our friends with a delicious meal and wonderful company. I picture some sort of a cart with wheels that we can keep everything we need, ready to go.

Dry Goods/Supplies on the Cart:

  • Drinks
  • Plates/Cups/Silverware/Napkins
  • S’More fixin’s
  • Roasting sticks
  • Chips/Snacks
  • Bug Spray/Sunscreen
  • Citronella Candles
  • Sidewalk Chalk
  • Bubbles

Frozen/Pre-made on Hand:


This list is just the start! I know there will be lots of amazing memories made this summer and I can’t wait for it to begin.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post.

I’d love to hear from you,

What is on your summer bucket list?






3 thoughts on “Dreaming of Summer- The Beginning of a Bucket List”

  1. This is an awesome list! Good food, great friends, and in the moment time with family, love it! State parks are on my bucket list. Time in nature, meaningful conversations, and getting to know the people I love!

  2. This sounds perfect!
    Put me on the guest list 😉
    Maybe this is what it takes Visualization. Write it down. Do it!

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